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Abstracts and poster summaries will be published in the conference materials.
Additionally, authors can submit their papers for publication in the following journals:
1. Miscallanea Geographica. https://sciendo.com/journal/MGRSD (special issue)
2. Archives of Civil Engineering. https://ace.il.pw.edu.pl (paid journal)
3. Advances in Geodesy and Geoinformation PAN. https://journals.pan.pl/agg
4. Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics. https://www.rgg.edu.pl/index.php/RGG (special issue)
5. Przegląd Geodezyjny. http://www.przegladgeodezyjny.pl
6. Polish Cartographic Review. http://geoinformatics.uw.edu.pl/polski-przeglad-kartograficzny